Emmaus Center

for Biblical Teaching

“Were not our hearts burning within us

as He opened the scriptures to us?
- Luke 24: 32

Walk the Journey to More Impactful Teaching & Preaching!


Jesus modeled that mentoring doesn’t happen from a distance. The Emmaus Center for Biblical Teaching builds relationships with Teaching Associates to identify areas of growth for teaching and preaching. Like Jesus on the road to Emmaus, we walk alongside pastors and ministry leaders with intentional learning opportunities at theological schools and more!


Mentorship at the ECBT is all about helping pastors and teachers become the best they can be in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus! Our Coaching Associates encourage by taking a hands-on, one-on-one approach to each Teaching Associate’s ministry setting and goals.


ECBT mentoring ensures that an individual is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for biblical teaching and preaching. The ECBT deepens biblical knowledge, increases pedagogical skills, and strengthens Christian character. Our Emmaus Studies include biblical courses in the Old and New Testaments. Emmaus Center Pilgrimages to Israel, Türkiye, Greece, Jordan, Egypt will offer spiritual formation and onsite teaching opportunities!

Start your journey toward more impactful teaching and preaching that unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word!

Emmaus Center Pilgrimages

Destinations That Bring the Bible to Life!

We offer a wide variety of standard Emmaus Center Pilgrimages and the ability to create a CUSTOM biblical tour or Christian heritage pilgrimage.  We listen to YOUR vision and YOUR ministry goals!


Your Journey to Deeper Discipleship

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 

- Romans 12:2

Customize your journey

to Deeper Discipleship

Although we have many spiritually enriching itineraries to choose from, you might need something that’s a little more catered to your needs. Let us help you customize an itinerary that’s perfect for you!